====== DNSMASQ ====== ===== activate config-folder ===== before own config-files in /etc/dnsmasq.d get loaded, this folder have to be activated in /etc/dnsmasq.conf by removing the sharp (#) on beginning of the following line conf-dir=/etc/dnsmasq.d ===== Interfaces ===== The Interface-config is separated in my setup to /etc/dnsmasq.d/interfaces.conf. In this file interfaces and their Settings are defined. which Interfaces should respond to DHCP-Requests (binding)? interface=lan0 interface=wlan1 #interface=tun0 interface=lxcbr0 interface=ap0 which interfaces send no DHCP-answer? no-dhcp-interface=eth0 no-dhcp-interface=eth1 the settings for DHCP: dhcp-range=lan0,,,,48h dhcp-option=lan0,3, dhcp-range=ap0,,,,48h dhcp-option=ap0,3, dhcp-range=wlan1,,,,48h dhcp-option=wlan1,3, dhcp-range=lxcbr0,,,,48h dhcp-option=lxcbr0,3, dhcp-range=interface,ip-range-start,ip-range-end,netmask,lease-time dhcp-option=interface,3,Default-Gateway Per client dns setting: Add set option to host between mac and ip (after name) set:specialhosts And set dns-servers for that name dhcp-option=tag:specialhosts,option:dns-server,, https://serverfault.com/questions/509388/per-client-dns-servers-with-dnsmasq ===== static IP for MAC ===== DNSMASQ can answer a DHCP-Request from a specific MAC-address always with same IP-address. For that i have also created a separate config-file (/etc/dnsmasq.d/mac.conf). an Entry for that looks like this: dhcp-host=b8:27:eb:90:e6:06,raspberry,,12h MAC-Address of the Client, a name, the desired IP-Address and last param is the Lease-time (how long lasts the DHCP-answer => renew of IP needed) on wifi i have the problem, that i have 2 WIFI-APs (with different IPv4-Subnet) running on R2 and on both the same MAC-addresses can send a query. here the entry can contain the interface: dhcp-host=ap0,00:25:d3:f5:32:4b,media,,12h dhcp-host=wlan1,00:25:d3:f5:32:4b,media,,12h ===== dhcp-cache ===== # service dnsmasq stop Stopping DNS forwarder and DHCP server: dnsmasq. # nano /var/lib/misc/dnsmasq.leases # service dnsmasq start Starting DNS forwarder and DHCP server: dnsmasq.