adding inplace-editor to ObjectInspector menueditor integrated Mainmenu implemented min-sizes changed help updated adding -Option (properties.obj) moving to properties.obj filehistory adding some images to the treeview in the options-dialog changed timer for recreation to postmessage creating treeview in Options-Dialog now in Load-Method support for float-properties (TDatetime) adding grid in preview shown on Dragging controls when DrawGrid=1 changed open/save-Dialog in Mainform to new-style also with resizing outsourcing the converting-routines (Object*To*) into conv_del.dll (currently compiled with TurboDelphi) hiding Toolbuttons/MainMenu-Items load preferences for options-form in its onShow disabling top/left-change of form in dfm when moving adding NumberOfBackups and BackupDir to configfile scrollwheel implemented in OI THotkey and TDatetimepicker in Edit-Dialog OI looks better now SnapToGrid-option for preview-form show hint on statusbar ability to align controls overlapped when creating multiple controls writing form-resource to file in debug-mode (/debug) bugs fixed: - changing RightClickSelect in Treeview - decoding strings with ' may cause problems - alignment of assign-button in PageControl2 when addform is shown - implementing new rightclick-select in treeview - saving wasn't working - flag for dkCollection not set in Treenode when node changed in Edit-Dialog - binary data without linebreak after opening bracket was not loaded correctly - on preview-form shows edit-dialog twice - accessViolation when trying to open a file which is locked - accessViolation when changing binary property - exception when trying to load a form from resource and nothing is selected in the list - width of combobox when grid is automatically scrolled - some problems with the stayOnTop, fixed again :) - parsing bug with TCollections - Drawing bug in OI (line overdrawn by text) - can't save back to exe when changed forms properties - problems (missing end-tag) with "empty" objects at the end of dfm (XPManifest) - when creating new form, 2nd Statusbarpanel and source-Memo were not cleared - problems with aligning of inspector and palette on forms with position=poScreenCenter - when writing a form by hand dfmedit now checks for eof before closing bracket and gives errormessage when binary-convert (classname) fails - multiselect in preview - quick creation of multiple components with same type and parent - drag-copy in treeview - select unit-extension for lazarus (*.pas;*.pp) - runtime-code-generation - dfm-tidy-up (removing senseless properties) - clicking on image when editing imagelist writes its index to active spinedit - package-opendialog contains now *.bpl-filter - adding grid-support for resizing/moving - changing TSpinButton/TSpinedit to TUpDown for TurboDelphi-compatibility - optimizations - repositioning of pasted controls (make sure they will be visible in new parent) - ability to replace component-classes by other classes in preview (and deleting existing properties [compatibility]) - open pas after creation/modification in default application/other editor - components can be hidden in component-list (useful for replacing classes without showing them) - supporting inline/inherited in memo-autocompletion - show column in line-label - adding placeholder (*) for searchtext when replacing text in memos - adding color-dialog to edit-form - asking when importing dfmdata from source-memo and having a changed tree bugs fixed: - change-flag is set when preview is shown without changes - disabling access when generating - Hierarchy is hidden when name of Object is edited - name is 1 if type is '' - drag&drop parent must not be dragged to its child - deleting package in options-dialog does not delete it in inifile - in OI: events will now be read from tree - in OI: property was not updated when changed with edit-dialog - changing left/top in paste when original position should be out of new parent - AV when adding unknown Components - in newer Delphi-Versions (>D3) Popupcomponent contains TToolbar instead of TToolButton - some strings in action-popup were not translated - memory-leaks removed - UnknownControl not working if if properties in lowercase - now adding position-properties on moving/sizing - AV when importing invalid dfm-source - invalid stream error when opening a textual dfmfile beginning not with object - missing errormessage when update-check failed - preview-form is now also on top auto-filled ObjectInspector preferences-dialog saving window-sizes and positions no need for restart dfmedit when changing language back to german Type-enumeration for TCollections Flag-Images for Languages (in Preferences-Dialog) allow editing of Stringlist,TPicture,TBitmap and TIcon-Properties in Preview lazarus-unit/form-support doubleclick on property text shows Add/Edit-Dialog loading vcl-packages (for 3rd party components, see help) adding escape-key to inspector (restoring last value) Autofilled Procedure-names for events Statusbar-resizing component-hierarchy (in add/edit-dialog) find node by text supporting unknown properties in TCollection (deleted for preview) want-to-close-question if file is changed optimizing toolbar-popup+popup for save changing object-combobox when preview is visible selects corresponding control in preview some optimizations help-file updated bugs fixed - in preview try to create new object, cancel - AV in preview when loading a form which has same name as a Form-Resource and changing a property - delete-key should only delete node when treeview active - file not saved if dfmedit opened with file as parameter - inspector-window not visible in maximized state - search/replace-pagecontrol visible when importing text to tree - changed isNumeric-function to prevent massive breaks when debugger turned on - class-properties which has no subproperties (like TImage.Picture) are not shown in Objectinspector - handles can be negative on Win9x/ME - enter to confirm Edit/Add-Dialog is not working when spinbutton is visible - subclasses not enumerated - empty lines in TStrings cut off - AV when trying to Save Image - bug with image/imagelist-tab - bug with CB_Value.Style for Enums - string decoding is rewritten and Tcollection-Items will now also en-/decoded - invalid pointer/AV on exit when deleting special-Type - AV when preview a form with TMainMenu+TMenuItems (many thanks to BenBE) - prevent tab-changing when node change unconfirmed - empty propertys are removed on saving - empty strings ('') wrong saved (e.g. Caption = ) - setting wrong enumeration-values allowed - stringlist-parsing-bugs (endless-loop/specialchar-decoding) objectinspector adding objects in preview copy/move controls in preview changing pagecontrol-behavior activecontrol=CB_value when adding new Object reposition of objectinspector when resize/move form bugs fixed: - Type/value-Combobox doesn't accept backspace - enter on Memo_Special opens Edit-dialog - Renaming Object does not check for existing ObjectName dfmedit has now a (simple) documentation batch-converting multiple files modifypas-function search again with F3 changing behavior of TPageControl in Preview (Tab-changing) property TabVisible is now set to true if ShowHidden=true hiding specialtype-panel on events removing goto object/property (same as object-combo) changing search-groupbox to pagecontrol and adding replace-tab don't display the savedialog if file is loaded internetupdate allows searching for betas (for beta-testers) adding shortcuts for move top/bottom, batchconvert and help automatic adding end-tag when typing a form by hand (after return on object-line) debug-panel is only shown if controls on it defining additional property-types in properties.obj changing name of language-files again to use countrycode for documentation changing title of opendialog progressbar for generating (must be optimized) bugs fixed: - renaming objects does not update objectlist - edit object renames class of form to TForm - error when specialchar is last before '+' on multiline-strings - no end-tag for TUnknowncontrol - enter in Goto-Line-Spinedit and Searchedit - loading the config resets tb_binform.down (when loading a binary form as param) - deleting an object with sub-objects does not delete subobjects in objectlist - objects with no properties get no end-tag - changing in add-form to intlist doesn't show memo_special - intlist was not written to node-data - adding a tcollection uses item-icon - hiding Specialmemo for tcollection - hiding property-groupbox for items - hiding object-preferences when active tab<>tab_tree - shortcuts were only acessable when activecontrol=treeview - create a new form when a memo-tab is visible raises an error renaming language-files (dfm_*.lng) to use dfmedit, rfe and tsct in one directory keeping expanded-status when moving jump to line given in message on eParserError arrays containing pTypeinfo and stringlists for TCursor/TColor/TFontCharset replaced some code optimizations bugs fixed: - search-panel-position - stringlist with first char = # is parsed as intlist - missing translation of linelabel - automatic component name - function replaces name also on edit/add property - prevPanel was not updated on edit (TColor/TCursor) TIcon-Support (testing) several improvements (getObjectNode) customizable component-list with default-properties (components.obj) automatic ComponentName (TEdit => Edit+Number) added TOpenOption-Typeinfo bugs fixed: - access violation when binary-data begins with 00 - search can now be repeated without moving cursor manually - sometimes there are too much end-tags in preview in combination with TUnknownControl - IntList-bug (list empty) allow Drag&drop of binary files to load forms from their resources translation of Unknowncontrol-text stringgrids properties Colwidths and rowheights will be included in preview memo indentation (autoindent, tab, backtab) enable disabled controls in preview replaced messagedlg (delphi-function) with messagebox (winAPI) for better localization changed string-comparisons for identifying objects to imageindex-check (isObject-function) WM_GETMINMAXINFO for all sizable forms checking object-names (keyword, length, invalid chars) popupmenu in preview which can be used to edit object and change z-order exceptions are now in english (except access Violations) using english consts.pas improved createpas-function and new unit for it backup of dfm-, pas- and binary file on saving some code improvements supporting inherited statement support unknown values (will be deleted on preview) bugs fixed: - parsing errors when first/last char of string/line in stringlist is a special char [#-escaped] - adding an object had not correctly set imageindex of subproperties - editing string-properties hadn't remove single quotes of value - setting statusbar-text after saving - inline-objects must renamed to object in preview - object name could not be correctly resolved when selected nodes parent is not an object - when editProperty with tkSet Checklistbox is not updated supporting imagelists allow to change order of objects, properties an entries treeview-images minor bugfixes supporting integer-lists (Tstringgrid.ColWidths/RowHeights) editing resources in binary files createpas now creates method-templates for events importing text from source-memo into tree (manual Source-editing) setting TB_BinForm.down and TB_ShowHidden.down in dfmedit.ini (main-section, BinForm/ShowHidden=1) flag (tb) for new/file/resource bugfixes: enter/esc in add-dialog doesn't work enumproperties now working in addProperty enumproperties now work when objectNode=formnode src-package contains _pack.bat for creating zip-archives searchtext,goto line, show actual linenumber works now for both dfm-memos supporting inline-statement create-new-warning now translated in english and also when loading a form Bitmap-adding/editing in editProperty-Dialog Case-Insensitive search Scrollbars in Memos Save existing output